So who is smarter, you or the birds? That is a question that commercial building owners are often left scratching their heads over. Early Spring is the time when you should not only think about but indeed put into action your preventative measures to help dissuade birds from roosting or nesting on and around your buildings.
The law about removing bird nests
Birds may be nature's beautiful creations to all of us, but not to the 'dropped upon' worker, employee, property owner or customer and of course besides being unsightly, the birds faeces can also be dangerous. Droppings are unhealthy, even potentially fatal…..more than 60 transmissible diseases have been traced back to birds and their waste product. Droppings can be slippery which can cause problems when covering walkways or thoroughfares. They can also become very expensive to clean up and the birds can prove to be extremely destructive if left unattended.

The 3 step program can help to alleviate these problems and stand you in good stead to be on top of a potential issue before it causes a major headache.
How to begin
Analyse the issue. No two bird infestations are the same, so treat this as you would any other rational project. Study the bird types, bird numbers, flight patterns, times, entry and exit points, nesting, feeding and roosting habits. Inspect your property and discover what birds find attractive about it. Assess the potential for where the birds will go to if you successfully repel them.
The next step
Consider the cost implications of carrying out preventative measures against the perceived risk and possible eventual clear up costs. Because controlling the birds is not an exact science, no one solution is right for every situation, but by employing a 'grouped control program' success can be achieved. Synergy is the key to the problem and by coupling varying types of deterrents you will enjoy the best results.
Ultrasonic Repellers – inaudible to humans but extremely irritating for birds. They work best in semi or fully enclosed areas. Varied frequency, intensity and amplitude works best.
Sonic Repellers – used more in large open outdoors areas. Adjustable features and day/night operation prevents birds from feeling at home.
Visual Devices – holographic scary eyes, printed tapes, decoy owls and hawks. These support a well-orchestrated overall approach along with other equipment.
Chemical Roost inhibitors – non-toxic, environmentally safe sticky, uncomfortable created surfaces that birds will not want to perch on. Normally a gel or a liquid application that will last up to a year.
Physical Exclusions and Barriers – sealing or covering access points. Spikes or needles jutting from a base to keep birds from landing.
Good Sanitation
Before installing any products you must clean the area from all nests, droppings, garbage and food sources. It's best to start before the 'bird season' begins but can be effective all year round. Vary your approach and keep the birds 'on their toes'. A single product will not be the answer……synergy of products and operation in the key to success.
Everything you need to take care of bird infestations