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Safety mirrors for the workplace

How to prevent accidents and reduce theft

mirrorTwo prevalent issues plague businesses nationwide: accidents potentially causing injuries to employees and visitors and theft within the premises. Despite the reduction in theft from a peak of 17,700 offences in 2002/03 to 6,558 in 2022/23, any level of theft remains unacceptable.

21 May 2024/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (687)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.7

Correct hazardous substances storage is very important

Keeping your workplace safe

storageThere are many dangers around the workplace to consider, but one that seems to be continually overlooked is the safe storage of hazardous substances. What are deemed to be hazardous and how do you identify the risks? It's not just flammable material or noxious gases, it's far more encompassing than that.

14 November 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (748)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Manhole covers

Choosing the right equipment

lifting manhole coverManhole covers are an essential component of the UK’s drainage and sewerage infrastructure, providing access to underground systems for maintenance and repair.

14 August 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (803)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.7

Maintenance and safety considerations for material handling equipment

Prolong the lifespan of your material handling equipment

servicingMaintenance and safety are critical aspects of managing material handling equipment. By prioritising maintenance and implementing safety measures, you can ensure smooth operations and minimise the risk of accidents.

20 July 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (799)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

The benefits of using material handling equipment

Choosing the right equipment

rackingInvesting in material handling equipment offers numerous benefits for warehouse operations. From increased safety and reduced labour costs to improved inventory management and faster order fulfilment, these tools can transform your warehouse into a well-oiled machine.

13 July 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (827)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

Relocation upgrade

How to take advantage of moving premises

removal truckWhether a forced relocation or by choice, moving business premises can be a fraught enough task in itself, so why not take advantage of the upheaval with floor layout improvements and equipment upgrades.

16 May 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (897)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

The Birds!

How to deal with the nuisance humanely

bird scare productsWe all love seeing and hearing the wonderful array of birds that reside in the UK, with many of us putting out food daily in our gardens for them. As a nation we spend £250m a year on wild bird food, such as seeds, peanuts and fats. However, the cost and disruption to industry from our feathered friends is often disregarded.

25 April 2023/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (758)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Lockers go way beyond just storing clothes in them

The evolving designs of clothes lockers

lockerWhen we think of lockers, we tend to visualise clothes lockers as those used in schools, swimming pools, cloakrooms and changing rooms up and down the country. These basic types are usually low-cost mild steel construction with a choice of individual compartments, either single, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 doors fitted.

29 November 2022/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (919)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.3

Save lives and premises!

Fire safety advice

fireRecent events have shown how vulnerable we can be to fires when the temperature rises. Bonfires, BBQs, electrical faults or even a simply discarded cigarette stub can start what can turn out to be a catastrophe.

11 August 2022/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (818)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

Buyers guide for choosing clothes lockers

Spend your money wisely!

clothes lockersWhen you start to look at the huge variety of clothes lockers that are available today, it can seem a little daunting finding out which one suits your needs best. Aren’t they basically all the same? A locker is just a locker, isn’t it?

The answer to both of those questions is ‘no’ of course! Buying clothes lockers is easy but buying the best type of locker can be anything but and far too many companies have in the past made poor choices and ended up paying dearly for a rash purchase.

05 July 2021/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1109)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.7

Project management makes so much sense!

When to step back and embrace a 'one stop shop' approach

offices“Do what you know best; if you’re a runner, run, if you’re a bell, ring”. Ignas Bernstein is credited with this quote and if you think about it sensibly, you can understand why we are a firm advocate of the 'one stop shop' approach.

10 June 2021/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1409)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

PVC Strip Curtain - buying guide

Regulate temperatures in your premises, keep the dust out and increase safety

pvcPVC strip curtains have a variety of uses when installed in factory, warehouse or despatch areas. They can be used to keep the heat out in the summer and keep the heated air within the area during the colder months. They provide segregation between different work areas allowing for various processes to take place without disrupting each other. Keeping dust, debris, insects and even pests away from the workplace is very important and these curtains can help to achieve this as well.

21 May 2021/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1845)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

How to socially distance in workplace canteens & restaurants

Keeping that safe 2 metres whilst still being social

canteen chairsThe lunchtime rest period or tea break is normally seen as a social time for employees in the UK. Businesses are having to adapt in light of the Coronavirus epidemic, whilst still managing to provide that vital time for workers to take a well earned break from daily work duties and to recuperate in time for the tasks ahead.

04 June 2020/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2591)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.4

Staff and visitor welfare stations help to combat Coronavirus

COVID-19 - Protecting welfare in the workplace

welfare stationWe are having to get used to very different rules and guidance in our daily lives regarding the Coronavirus epidemic. This is no more illustrated than in the workplace with businesses having to adapt their working practises and define policies that allow for social distancing and safe practises. Indeed, the front entrance to a building is now being seen as the first line of defence.

20 May 2020/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2648)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Protection screens help to combat Coronavirus

Minimising the risk of contamination in the workplace

office screensFrom May 13th lock-down procedures are being eased across England in an effort to help stimulate the economy. Those who can easily work from home are still advised to do so but for many, returning to their place of work has now become a reality.

15 May 2020/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2533)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Choosing the right B2B company

More than just a web shop

websiteWhy you should choose a company that offers much more than just e-commerce.

10 July 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1178)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Project management in warehouse/factory refurbishment

Knowing when to step forward and when to delegate

office constructionHaving the responsibility for a large warehouse or factory project can be a huge undertaking. However, there’s no need to face this task alone. There are professional companies well placed to handle part or all of the work. Knowing how to delegate is the only skill you’ll need! Find a company that can schedule, organise and deliver it all on time, leaving you to continue with your normal work duties.

02 May 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1240)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

One wrong decision can be costly!

How to choose the correct pallet racking system

pallet rackingChoosing pallet racking for your business can be a very tricky exercise. There are so many options, styles, sizes and basic considerations that you need to factor into making the correct choice. Most decisions on whether to use pallet racking are based on either the need to use a more economic method of storing pallets at your facility, the need to improve the speed of delivery of pallets to customers or the improved use of the pallet contents within your own business..

11 April 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2444)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Now that's a smart idea!

Money saving PVC strip curtains

pvc strip curtainPVC strip door curtains are a very cost-effective way to save your business money and improve working conditions. They can be introduced both internally and externally around your buildings with the minimum of ease.

11 March 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2387)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.3

A buyer's guide to electric platform trucks

Why you should consider getting one

electric trolleyThe electric platform truck can save operator fatigue, increase speed and efficiency whilst maximising the time taken to complete picking, packing and despatch tasks.

07 February 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1093)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

Play your cards right in 2019

Planning boards can help you prepare

grit packA new year quite often brings with it, new intentions, both personal ones and business objectives. With all the unknowns surrounding 'Brexit' and its possible impact on UK companies, now is the time to examine your business and get prepared for a new era of trading.

08 January 2019/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (1415)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.4

We just love to moan about it … the British weather!

But it's time for businesses' to develop strategic planning for it

too hot to workWere you prepared when the temperatures soared? Why is it that UK companies never quite seem to get ahead with extreme weather planning? In the latest heat wave, suppliers across the country ran out of fans, air conditioning units, water coolers and even cold drink machines. To avoid this happening again, Action Handling advise their clients to put in place a strategic plan to cover all the seasons and all the possible extreme weather problems that can happen.

22 August 2018/Author: Dee Jones/Number of views (2293)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.6

Bicycle racks

Ditch the lycra

On my travels around the country visiting industrial estates and business parks (I know living the dream!) one thing has started to stand out, the increase of cycle racks and bicycle shelters outside offices, factories and production plants. I guess with parking at an all-time premium and a strive for a healthier life-style and bosses being more open to funding for such items these days I suppose it makes sense that as a nation we look at alternatives to the car and public transport.


05 August 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2571)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.8

Key points

For choosing key cabinets


Key CabinetMany facility management companies are finding that key storage on industrial sites is becoming a major security issue. Whether it be manufacturing plants, construction sites, office blocks or even for the more public of places like schools, sporting venues, community halls, shopping centres, hospitals and hotels……..key security must be taken as a strategically planned and risk assessed procedure. Appropriate key and padlock storage systems are used to ensure you never lose keys again and also to enable managers access to control keys on site by the use of key security cabinets. An index system within the units supplied will mean that any site manager or authorised personnel will be able to collect the correct keys every time as they are numbered and colour matched for fast identification.


05 April 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2051)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.5

Racking up

With the Action Handling panel rack

Racking and ShelvingWe’ve written previously about the importance of secure tool storage on- and off-site, and Action Handling supply a wide range of secure storage options.

However, when you need tools to hand, having them locked away in a box or vault isn’t the best option, and neither is having them scattered around your workshop or factory – an easy way for items to become damaged or displaced.

We’re pretty keen on our double-sided standing panel, which we think offers an easy-to-install and access solution to your tool storage needs. Available in four heights and two finishes, the unit comes complete with an accessory kit and optional base tray.

10 October 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (3287)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

Keeping things organised

An organised storeroom is a productive storeroom

Keeping things organisedWe all know that it doesn’t take much for an organised and tidy stockroom to quickly become a mess. When things get busy, it’s sometimes easier to cut corners and go back later – however, leaving stock, empty cardboard boxes, packaging and numerous other items lying around can seriously impact on the efficiency and safety of your storage area. If this is happening on a regular basis, perhaps it’s time to assess your current storage requirements and make any necessary changes to improve your business.

07 October 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2599)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Card planning systems

Keeping everything organised in one place


Card PlanningPlanning. It’s a huge part of running every business, whether large or small. Meetings are devoted to it, whole reams of paper used up documenting it, and a vast amount of energy dispensed to implement it. In a digital age, when messages, diaries and schedules can be accessed and managed at the touch of a screen, it may seem a touch old-fashioned to use a simple wall-mounted planning system. And yet, there are benefits to such a system that you won’t get from the latest phone or tablet.


11 September 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2554)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

The humble whiteboard

Where did it come from?

The humble whiteboardMy daughter came home from school the other day looking a bit put out.

     "What’s wrong?" I asked.

     "Oh, the whiteboard didn’t work so we had to do something else today" she huffed, before going off to do one of the myriad things she does after school. She was referring to the digital whiteboard used in most classrooms, where interactive videos, lessons and images all enhance the learning experience, a far cry from the dusty chalkboards of my youth. Digital displays and presentations are also the norm in businesses today, and have been for some time. PowerPoint is an old stalwart of the scene, while multimedia presentations incorporating web graphics and YouTube clips push boundaries and delight the audience. But my daughter’s comment made me consider how dependent we’ve become on the digital version and that, when the power goes out or the system malfunctions, a good old-fashioned whiteboard will never let you down.

24 June 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2815)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

Taking things to the next level

Mezzanine flooring

Mazzanine flooring imageThe word mezzanine started life as a Latin word, medianus, meaning middle or central. It then changed to the Italian mezzano, before the French transformed it once more to mezzanine, the word we know today (hey thanks, Wikipedia!). It describes an intermediate floor between floors overlooking the level below, and can take a variety of forms.

06 May 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1797)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.0

We’re here to help!

On-line, on the phone and on-site.

Our sales team are always available to give great advice on products, legislation and site surveys. Often we find that our customers prefer to discuss large projects or bespoke manufactured requirements on their own site rather than discussing important details just on the end of a telephone.

19 November 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (13906)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.2

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