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Correct hazardous substances storage is very important

Keeping your workplace safe

Author: Dee Jones/14 November 2023/Categories: PRODUCT GUIDANCE, Stock storage, Site improvements, WORKPLACE ADVICE, Goods storage

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There are many dangers around the workplace to consider, but one that seems to be continually overlooked is the safe storage of hazardous substances. What are deemed to be hazardous and how do you identify the risks? It's not just flammable material or noxious gases, it's far more encompassing than that.

A good start point is the Government Guidance website which will help you to understand how the planning system looks at the perceived risks to the general presence of hazardous substances in the UK. Once you can identify the substances that are present, you can then start to identify the associated risks and formulate a storage plan to handle them. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) can help you to place dangers in the correct category and ensure a good system of safe storage is employed. storage cabinets play a critical role in keeping your workplace safe.

The control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) is a set of regulations put in place to protect workers from ill health when working with specific substances and materials and the British Safety Council does a very good job of explaining the basic principles of it.

Hazardous storage cabinets and cupboards are an absolute must around the workplace. They are designed to store hazardous materials and chemicals securely, preventing any potential hazards that could harm employees, the environment and the public. In this article we will discuss the different types of storage for chemical acid and alkali pesticides, COSHH and how to store flammable liquids safely in accordance with UK law.


Flammable storage cabinets
Designed to store flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel, ethanol and other solvents. These cabinets are constructed with double-walled steel and equipped with vents to prevent the build-up of flammable vapours. They also come with a grounding wire to prevent static electricity.


Acid and alkali storage cabinets
These cabinets are designed to store corrosive substances such as acids and alkalis. They are constructed with polypropylene material, which is resistant to corrosion and can withstand harsh chemicals.


Pesticide storage cabinets
Constructed to store pesticides and herbicides safely. They are made with heavy-duty steel, which is resistant to corrosion and equipped with vents to prevent the build-up of vapours.


COSHH regulations in the UK requires that employers control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. COSHH applies to an extensive range of substances including chemicals, fumes, dust and biological agents. Employers must assess the risks associated with hazardous substances and take appropriate measures to prevent any potential hazards. One way to comply with COSHH regulations is to use hazardous storage cabinets to store hazardous materials safely. These cabinets provide a secure and controlled environment for hazardous substances, reducing the risk of exposure to employees and the environment.

Flammable liquids are one of the most common hazardous materials found in workplaces. They are highly volatile and can catch fire or explode if not stored correctly.

The best way to store flammable liquids safely

  • Use suitable storage cabinets that are designed to prevent the build-up of vapours and provide a secure and controlled environment for flammable liquids.
  • Store flammable liquids in a cool and dry place and keep away from any sources of heat or ignition.
  • Label flammable liquids correctly, including the name of the substance, the hazard warning and the date of storage.
  • Limit the amount of flammable liquids stored. Employers must limit the amount of flammable liquids stored in the workplace to the minimum required for the job.

In conclusion, hazardous storage cabinets play a critical role in keeping the workplace safe whilst complying with regulations. They are designed to store hazardous materials securely, preventing any potential hazards that could harm employees, the environment and the public. The different types of storage for chemical acid and alkali pesticides, COSHH and how to store flammable liquids safely according to UK law are essential factors to consider when storing hazardous materials. By following these guidelines, employers can reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous substances and prevent any potential hazards in the workplace.



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