From May 13th lock-down procedures are being eased across England in an effort to help stimulate the economy. Those who can easily work from home are still advised to do so but for many, returning to their place of work has now become a reality. COVID-19 still presents a real threat to the health of everybody, so providing the safest possible working enviroment should be an absolute priority whether that be factory, office, warehouse or retail premises.

Freestanding sneeze screens offer a simple solution for offices
Guidance issued is that a risk assessment should be conducted in consultation with both workers and any appropriate trade unions. One of the main issues is that of trying to maintain the recommended 2 metre safe social distance; something which will now play a major part when planning workspace layouts. Protection screens of one type or another are likely to become a regular feature of workplaces and anywhere people are required to meet face to face. It won’t always be practical, or even possible to remain 2 metres apart in some situations, such as at a serving counter or on a factory production line but in these instances, a screen can be used to help prevent contamination and subsequent infection when a safe distance can’t be observed.

Warehouse and factory staff benefit from using freestanding, mobile screens
Employers will also need to consider how to protect those employees who travel in order to carry out work. The prime concern being the movement of people in shared vehicles. Again, a risk assessment will be required and purpose built protection screens may need to be fitted to separate those inside and help minimise any risks.

Vehicle screens are adjustable and easily transferable with no lasting damage
While the precautions surrounding COVID-19 may be relaxing, now is not the time to let your guard down. On the contrary, with many heading back to work, now is the time to raise your guard.
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