Buying racking, shelving and storage equipment is the start of providing an efficient and cost-effective method of managing goods in a warehouse, factory or company premises. Seeking good advice on the many types of storage equipment available is essential before making what can be a costly mistake if purchased incorrectly.
Another common mistake is not to provide a sensible method of being able to locate the exact storage of goods and products in a timely manner. Labelling can easily solve this issue. Racking and shelving can be marked either permanently or temporarily with many types of labels which can display bar codes, numbers, letters or QR codes. Essentially you are giving your goods an address so they can be instantly found.

Labels can be self-adhesive for permanent marking or magnetic so they can be easily removed and replaced elsewhere. They can be blank for writing on with a marker pen or they can be pre-printed with specific information. Ticket holders can also be used, easily allowing the labels to be quickly changed, as the goods acquire a new set of information.
It’s important to not overlook incorporating an effective labelling system. This should be part of the process when implementing either a new storage facility or expanding an existing one.
When Clarity Pharma opened their new centre in 2018, they quickly identified the need for a new labelling system. By positioning the labels on the racking beams, it meant that identifying pallets within their warehouse became an easy task. A magnetic label system was chosen and since instalment has enhanced the quick selection of products required for speedy despatch to their customers. White and yellow labels were supplied, each measuring 70 x 228mm. Black text was used to detail the pallet location and a bar code. Initially a total of 850 were supplied but when the company expanded further in 2020, this was increased by another 2400 labels, this time using three different coloured backgrounds.
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