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Obtaining Net Zero

How industry can help to achieve this

Author: Dee Jones/26 February 2024/Categories: Uncategorized

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The date for net zero emissions is set for 2050 and it will take all of those 25 years to achieve it, so lets get started.

UK industry needs to re-think and re-shape its practices to stand any chance of reaching the ‘net zero’ goal. Some are already committed to the necessary change but many aren’t, so now is the time to get on board.

Net zero strategies
1. Measure and track your carbon emissions in order to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Look at your electric consumption. Refine your operations in order to reduce the amount used by using more efficient equipment, set your heating thermostat correctly and ensure heaters are free of obstructions. Source a renewable energy supplier or install your own renewables if possible.
  • Ensuring your building is draft-proof and properly insulated, this will not only cut emissions but also reduce your energy bills.
  • Change company vehicles to electric. Look at how your staff commute to work, encourage the use of public transport, car sharing or utilise the ‘cycle to work scheme’.

2. Discuss with your supply chain how you can collaboratively reduce energy useage and emissions. Identify ways to combat emissions and aim to align commercially so everyone makes progess in working towards the carbon reducing targets set. Join an organisation like Sedex who can offer advice on how to achieve the set goals.

3. Where emissions can’t reach net zero, look to organisations that offer solutions from nature. Forestation and rewilding land can help to lock in carbon, therefore offsetting what you can’t reduce. There are schemes which you can get involved in by sponsoring tree planting.

4. Take control of your waste. Evaluate your systems and try to eliminate products that can’t be reused or recycled. Make sure all waste is collected correctly for recycling.

5. Join a network to learn valuable information about what works for other members that are sharing the same mission.

It is a collaborative journey that we have embarked upon and with 100% effort from the industry sector, we should hope to achieve the objective set out by the UK government of net zero by 2050.



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