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New recycling guidance impacts businesses

Workplaces need to act now before 31st March 2025

Author: Dee Jones/13 March 2025/Categories: PRODUCT GUIDANCE, Site improvements, WORKPLACE ADVICE, A safe, clean environment

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This one has somewhat ‘flown under the radar' but did you know that there is a new Simpler Recycling guidance in England from 31st March 2025 for workplaces on separating dry recyclables, food waste and black bin waste?

All workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) will now have a legal duty to present the following wastes in accordance with the arrangements via their waste collector:

  • Dry recyclable materials: plastic, metal, glass, paper and card (see ‘Separating recyclable waste’ below).
  • Food waste.
  • Black bin waste (residual waste).
  • Garden waste: workplaces generating it, have a legal duty to manage in accordance with the waste hierarchy and arrange for it to be recycled or composted if it delivers the best environmental outcome.

Micro-firms have an exemption until 31st March 2027. Micro-firms are workplaces with less than 10 full-time employees in total.

Separating recyclable waste
You need to separate paper and card from other dry recyclables (plastic, metal and glass), unless your waste collector collects them together. Waste collectors may also choose to collect other dry recyclable materials separately, like glass. You should discuss how your dry recyclable waste will be collected with your chosen waste collector. You must always separate dry recyclable waste, food waste and black bin waste from each other.

Dry recyclable waste
GLASS such as drinks bottles and rinsed empty food jars.
METAL such as drinks cans and rinsed empty food tins, empty aerosols, aluminium foil, aluminium food trays and tubes.
PLASTIC such as rinsed empty food containers and bottles.
PAPER AND CARDBOARD such as old newspapers, envelopes, delivery boxes and packaging.

Food waste
Food leftovers.
Waste generated by preparing food (of any volume, including if the workplace does not serve food or have a canteen).

Black bin waste or residual waste
Absorbent hygiene products such as nappies.
Highly contaminated materials like food packaging that cannot be washed.

Legal requirement for workplaces
Businesses and non-domestic premises have a legal duty to take all reasonable steps to apply the waste hierarchy and the duty of care in line with Simpler Recycling. If your landlord employs a waste company for you, or you have a waste management contractor, this company has a legal obligation to make sure any separately collected dry recyclables are sent for recycling and that any residual waste is correctly managed. If you do not comply with these requirements by 31 March 2025 (or 31 March 2027 for micro-firms), you are at risk of receiving a compliance notice from the Environment Agency.

recycling station
recycling bins
recycling bin


Companies need to review their processes and obtain the best recycling waste equipment to help with their compliance.

Support for workplaces
Guidance and resources for specific business sectors is provided by DEFRA who have funded the Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP) with the development of the 'Business of Recycling' website and this provides great information on waste efficiency, waste collection and even a waste calculator tool.

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