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Keep outdoor spaces clear of cigarette butts

Littering is a growing problem and cigarette butts a major contributor - we need to provide bins and help stamp it out.

Author: Dee Jones/22 February 2017/Categories: HEALTH & SAFETY, Creating safe working conditions, WORKPLACE ADVICE, A safe, clean environment

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wall mounted cigarette bin

floor standing cigarette bin

Few things look more unsightly around your workplace than discarded cigarette butts, yet it’s estimated that 79% of all public places in the UK are blighted by them. Since the smoking ban which prohibits smoking inside any public space came into force in 2007, littering is a problem which seems to have escalated.

Keep Britain Tidy is launching a campaign to remind smokers that they are liable for on-the-spot fines, which could be as high as £80, under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act. With public spending cut-backs, local authorities have really stepped up the crackdown on dropping discarded cigarettes and have the power to impose these fines for littering, this could be a way for councils to generate additional revenue but pro-smoking groups and pubs have warned councils that they face an angry reaction if they take too strong an approach. Cigarettes butts are the most common form of litter in the UK and it’s estimated that they make-up 35% of the total litter dropped on our streets - individually, they might be small but together they soon add up! By providing designated smoking areas, equipped with specially designed smoking bins, it can reduce the problem considerably.

There are many types, shapes and styles of cigarette bins available, ranging from the basic to the elaborate, so they needn’t look unsightly. Whether placed outside a factory canteen or an up-market restaurant, there’s likely to be something suitable that’s both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Unlike some waste bins, cigarette bins are all fire-proof, so even if a cigarette isn’t fully stubbed out, there’s no fire risk. As cigarette bins live outside, corrosion resistance is important; with stainless, galvanised or powder-coated steel being the most practical options. Bins ithat aren't undercover, need to be ‘weather-proof’ so it doesn’t get full of water. Floor mounted bins are well suited to busy areas such as bars and pubs, some are designed to be bolted to the floor and left in situ, while others are free standing and can easily be moved and stored securely when not required. Both, wall and floor mounted bins are available in a wide range of capacities to meet requirements.

smoking shelter

A wall mounted smoking shelter with a corrugated or Perspex sheet roof or free-standing shelters can also help in the fight against littering. By placing smoking bins inside a shelter, smokers are ‘guided’ towards them rather than having to search for a bin.

With an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts dropped on the streets worldwide each year, it’s good to know that the UK is leading the way in helping clean it up. One UK company takes cigarette butts and turns them into plastic products like advertising hoardings and construction materials, while any remaining paper or tobacco is simply composted, so nothing goes to landfill.




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