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Newsletter April 2022

Memories, the Jones' and XXII

Author: Dee Jones/30 April 2022/Categories: NEWSLETTERS, 2022

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racking labels

Buying racking, shelving and storage equipment is the start of providing an efficient and cost-effective method of managing goods in a warehouse, factory or company premises. It’s important to not overlook incorporating an effective labelling system. This should be part of the process when implementing a new storage facility or expanding an existing one. It saves having to remember where the latest consignment of goods were shelved!


Birmingham 2022

Starting on Thursday 28 July until Monday 8 August. The XXII Commonwealth Games take place in Birmingham. With over 5000 athletes participating, it's going to be the sporting highlight of the year.

Aquatics, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Boxing, Bowling, Cricket, Cycling, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Netball, Rugby 7s, Squash, Table Tennis, Triathlon, Weight Lifting, Wrestling.

Can the England Roses netball team make history and regain their title?

Keeping up with the Jones'

website menu

There are 113 new products that have been launched onto the market this month. We have a section on our website where all these products are showcased. For many more new ideas, come and have a look at what can help to provide your business with better equipment that will improve productivity, employee safety and ensure that you have a modern and efficient workplace to work in.

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