Newsletter November 2022
Queueing up to beat the winter rush
Author: Dee Jones/22 November 2022/Categories: NEWSLETTERS, 2022
Going to work can be good for your health

Particularly as we move into the winter months, we should consider our health and wellbeing as a means of safeguarding against many of the things that are no doubt on the way: bad weather with colder temperatures, long dark nights and of course the seemingly ever-increasing pressures of the cost-of-living crisis.
Beat the Christmas rush
Order early to avoid missed delivery dates..
We will be closed from 13.00 on Friday 23rd December 2022 until 09.00 on Tuesday 3rd January 2023
If you have any urgent enquiries during this period, please leave a voice message or send an email as there will be a skeleton staff available who will endeavour to get back to you within 24 hours.
Form an orderly queue

Believe it or not there is actually a whole science related to queueing! In the early 20th century, Agner Krarup Erland, a Danish mathematician and engineer invented ‘queueing theory’. Discover why it’s important and how its data can be used.
Preparing for bad weather makes sense
The Met Office as always, offer good advice on the dangers ahead, so it’s recommended to take advantage of the forewarning and stock up in anticipation of bad weather. We are finding that many firms are starting to look at their past experiences and are drawing up advance plans. However, the delay in purchasing the necessary items could leave them considerably exposed when the inevitable happens.
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