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Newsletter November 2020

Overwhelmed with orders during virus outbreak, it's never too early to get ready for winter and when off-the-shelf won't do

Author: Mark McAvoy/26 November 2020/Categories: NEWSLETTERS, 2020

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Overwhelmed with orders during virus outbreak

Overwhelmed with orders during virus outbreak

With the advent of people being asked to work from home due to the Coronavirus outbreak, suppliers of office furniture saw an exponential increase in the need for work chairs, desks, printer stands and cupboards, in a very short space of time. One such office furniture company, a client of ours based in Keighley, West Yorkshire, found themselves struggling to keep up with the increase of business. The regular method of hand balling goods had to be speeded up but still limited to a minimum of operatives.

Fortunately we were able to quickly asses their urgent requirements and deliver within 5 days from point of contact.


Workplace health and safety inspections still take place despite the pandemic

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is carrying out spot checks and inspections to ensure that businesses in all areas are COVID-secure. But whilst making these new checks, the HSE will still observe that the wider aspect of all health and safety procedures are being met and upheld. Are you ready for such a visit? Have you checked that all processes are reviewed and risk assessed in order to comply with current legislation?

They have made a video to help businesses understand their obligation to provide a safe and secure environment for their employees, customers and visitors.

View here

It's never too early to get ready for winter

With the UK clocks going back recently, the dark evenings and cold mornings give fair warning that winter is well and truly on the way. It makes great sense to prepare now, well in advance for the frost and snow conditions that will inevitably follow over the coming months.

When off-the-shelf won't do

Sometimes you need a bespoke-made product in order to give you exactly what you need to get the job done and done right! After 50 years of manufacturing to order, we've come to understand customers' problems that off-the-shelf products can't resolve. It makes no sense to struggle on when a perfectly good solution is available. All you have to do is ask for our advice.

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